For Manufacturers

Reach Qualified Lab Equipment Buyers Year Round and Grow Your Business with LabSupplies Connect


Grow Your Lab Equipment Business With LabSupplies Connect


In the competitive landscape of lab equipment sales, standing out and capturing the attention of your target audience online is key. Many small and medium-sized manufacturers struggle to capitalize on online opportunities due to the complexity and high costs associated with digital marketing and eCommerce. 

We offer three simple options to help lab equipment manufacturers reach a wider audience and achieve significant online growth and sales.


Option 1: Promote Your Business

Start with a free profile to showcase your expertise and the product range you carry, gaining immediate exposure in the areas you serve. For top rankings, you can pay a fee to boost your profile.


Option 2: Manufacturer eCommerce Solution

Get a high-performing lab equipment website that drives sales. Our expert team specializes in designing and developing high-performing eCommerce websites tailored to the unique needs of lab equipment manufacturers and suppliers.

Option 3: Marketing Services

Need help with your current online marketing efforts? Leverage our proven expertise in digital marketing for lab equipment to increase your sales and effectively promote your brand online. Explore our professional services and discover how we can transform your online presence.
